Just finished 2 days at Mini Wellycon, board games from 10 till 10 on Saturday and Sunday of Labour Weekend.
I had printed prototypes of 3 of my games there for playtesting - Dragons Wild, Master Baker and AsteroMiners, having spent all the previous week madly finishing and printing and sticking and cutting out.
Dragons Wild game had large laminated cards. This got 3 lots of playtesting, one was particularly long and involved with trying out three card sets and a couple of rule changes.
AsteroMiners was playtested by a group that decided to try with the metal tokens face down for extra complexity. They appeared to really enjoy playing and gave a lot of good feedback.
I think Master Baker was played once (the pack disappeared for a while) and I may have been given a couple of feedback sheets for it - haven't managed to look at them yet, but I'll look this afternoon.
I also played some other games, including Quacks, Sol, Rock Paper Wizard, Caverna.
It was great to be able to talk with a couple of games designers, including the designer of the great Norse-based series beginning with Raiders of the North Sea.
Elenna was a high point of the con for several people. The Scouts manning the meal kitchen were very enamoured of her, and the kids said she was the cutest baby they'd seen. Lots of people got cuddles with her, and she was happy with all the attention. I'm sure a lot of the "I'll go check for plates" forays from the kitchen were really "and cuddle the baby if she's awake" missions!