
15 mins
Compile is a mathematical trick-taking card game for two players, based on the classic card game Cassino. The deck includes cards numbered 1-15 in 4 suits, or 60 cards in total.
Here are videos for setup and play of Compile.
SETUP: For the first round, deal 4 cards to each person and 4 cards face up to the table.
For subsequent rounds, just deal 4 cards to each person. There will be 7 rounds.

Image of final setup for round 1
Setup Video on YouTube
The two players take turns. On a turn the player MUST play ONE card from their hand. Playing a card is done by one of these means:
Placing it on the table in an empty spot;
Equalling or adding to the value of one or more cards or piles from the table, placing them in a single pile on the table and declaring the new value out loud;
Showing and using one card from your hand to capture a single card of equal value, a combination of cards adding to that value, or a pile of cards of that value from the table.
All captured cards are placed in a face-down stack on the player’s side of the table, to be counted at the end of the game. You can’t look through the pile during the game. (Dealers – don’t get mixed up between the deck and your captured stack.)
If during play one player manages to capture the last card or pile of cards from the table, they declare “Clear the decks” and get a bonus point. The other player must on their turn play a new card on the table.
The last round has an extra rule – the last player to capture a trick takes any remaining cards on the table when all cards are played.
Rules for making piles:
To initially make a pile of cards, you must have a way to capture the pile with a single card in a subsequent turn in the same round. Unlike Casino, Compile allows piles to be built up to number 15 – as long as the player building onto the pile has the intended number as a single card to capture the pile, and also has any cards required to make the pile in their own hand. There cannot be a pile left on the table at the end of a round.

Pile Example
Player A has 2, 5 and 14 in their hand. They make a pile of 3+4 from the table, and play the 2, declaring “Nine”. Next turn they want to play the 5 declaring “Fourteen”, then capture the pile in the last turn with 14.

However, Player B has other ideas. They put their 1 on the nine pile and declare “Ten”, ready to capture next turn with their 10. Player A's plan has failed and they will have to put out one of their other cards - probably the 8 or the 5 - and hope the other player puts down something they can add to make 14 (a 4, 6, or 9).
Rules Video on YouTube
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